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Interested in Fostering Greyhounds?

As of 6/15/2020, KyG is working on obtaining the next group of greyhounds needing homes. Please consider being a foster parent or fostering to adopt. Foster homes for displaced greyhounds are always needed.

Kentucky Greyhound Placement (KyG) is a foster-based placement group. It takes homes willing to help greyhounds while they acclimate from track to home life. Foster homes make the commitment to provide shelter and basic training (or as much training as you would like to provide) until the greyhound is placed in a home. KyG provides a food stipend (monthly) that should cover most if not all of the costs of the food. All veterinary care is provided by KyG. Should the greyhound need vet care and you are not able to take the greyhound to our vet, we will arrange a volunteer that can do that for you. 

Previous greyhound experience is not required, but will require familiarization with the breed and its uniqueness. Not every home or every family is able to serve in this special honor, but we hope that you are willing to give it a try.

Application for Adoption and Caregiver (Foster parent) and Volunteer Caregiver Guidelines can be found in KyG Forms, as Click Here. Thank you for your interest.

It's for the Hounds! ...and the need your help.